Friday, October 19, 2012

"Move B****... Get out the way..."

That title is okay because i put it in quotes right? Ha. 
Human Events published an article that struck my fancy. Although not a direct suggested source, it streams to the front page of Red State. It's titled "OBAMA’S PANDERING TO WOMEN FALLS SHORT."Author Audrey Hudson accuses Obama of preaching for women equality in the workplace but has failed to clean up his own backyard. As President, i feel you should set the bar high for the rest of the nation. My favorite line from the article is "Democrats meanwhile defended that pay inequity and say the gender pay gap in the White House is smaller than in the overall economy." HA, what a freaking joke! People would sacrifice him if that wasn't the case. But really? I mean come on people! If you're going to preach it, you have to back it up. Both candidates are full of deceit. 51 people on staff make 42,000 a year, the lowest in the White House, majority are women. It goes without saying Romney is NOT a favorite amongst young women, but Obama is not painting a pretty picture for himself either. If the White House is considered a hostile workplace, how are we supposed to feel about the rest of America?Both men up for president have become equally disgusting to me. I felt better off naive to the whole situation. There isn't a lesser evil to vote for this year. It is a little disheartening to feel neither will be an acceptable leader, much less a great one.  “The message to Washington and to candidates from young women is clear – get out of the way – lower taxes and lower federal spending to get this economy moving again.”

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