Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Discussing Outsourcing..

I read a blog on 21st Century American Minds today that really got me thinking about outsourcing. She takes a positive spin on the subject, but i must say that i disagree. She is right when she stated "Outsourcing is what makes our nation." Unfortunately, that is NOT a positive. We seem rather dependent on it now. There are millions of Americans without jobs. If they do not have a job, then they can not buy the products that the companies work so diligently to outsource. Eventually, the companies will hit an end of the road with consumers when their market dwindles because of a lack of jobs here on our own turf. The only reason the poor have all these fancy things is because they buy it all on credit. They are all in debt and our society has taught them to live beyond their means. Our economy is in shambles because most people can't afford the things they buy; repo'd cars, foreclosures on houses, bankruptcy; it is all too real for this nation right now. Instead of paycuts, the CEO's of these companies are getting raises versus creating american jobs because they are outsourcing. Most of the reason for outsourcing is pure greed and to put extra money in the top few pockets. Their companies and turn product 24 hours a day for pennies on the dollar in third world countries, while here at home, their are new homeless families everyday. They are families that once had a great job and worked hard but were laid off due to budget cuts and workers who will do the same work for cheaper elsewhere. Outsourcing might make our nation, but that doesn't mean it should.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I read a post on 21st Century American Minds on outsourcing. The article discusses how companies use free promotions in order to attract more business. It states that companies can utilize these promotions because of the cost savings of outsourcing. I disagree that outsourcing is completely necessary. With a high unemployment rate and an economy in shambles, you would think the large American companies would try to better their own economy first. Instead, they hire and overwork cheap labor in third world countries. Can these companies really risk their own consumers not having jobs in the long run? Why outsource when their own consumers can't afford the very products they are selling without a job? I believe the shift of outsourcing cost americans our economy and countless jobs to save a few cents on a dime for a product. It will not be cheaper in the end.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pick your party

I have grown up my whole life "Republican". I labeled myself due to my parents. Isn't that what most people do? I did it without question. Where I am from, most of the people are conservative, making it very easy to fall in line. You are a product of your environment. Although I was naive, I always had this inkling that most of what people say about politics is uneducated hot air.  

When i took our civics quiz, i was deemed a "post modern", which i agree with. I play both sides of the fence i suppose. I see rights and wrongs in each party. Financially, I am very conservative. Socially, I am liberal. Can you see my confusion? In our society, you are forced to pick a team. Independent is out of the question, mainly for things based on money. You are left with Democrats and Republicans, neither of which i would whole-heartedly agree with. I think most of us feel the same way. I don't think our Presidential candidates agree with all of their parties views either, but they will say what it takes to keep that financial backing!

Honesty in such trying times would be a breath of fresh air. Guidance without all the fluff is what America needs and neither of the candidates presented before us can deliver. You can not keep diehards and the general public happy at the same time. We are far more rational ;)

This year, i did not pick a party. For the first time, i did my research, i voted split ticket. That's what America is about. I don't want to identify myself with a party because i shouldn't have to.

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Move B****... Get out the way..."

That title is okay because i put it in quotes right? Ha. 
Human Events published an article that struck my fancy. Although not a direct suggested source, it streams to the front page of Red State. It's titled "OBAMA’S PANDERING TO WOMEN FALLS SHORT."Author Audrey Hudson accuses Obama of preaching for women equality in the workplace but has failed to clean up his own backyard. As President, i feel you should set the bar high for the rest of the nation. My favorite line from the article is "Democrats meanwhile defended that pay inequity and say the gender pay gap in the White House is smaller than in the overall economy." HA, what a freaking joke! People would sacrifice him if that wasn't the case. But really? I mean come on people! If you're going to preach it, you have to back it up. Both candidates are full of deceit. 51 people on staff make 42,000 a year, the lowest in the White House, majority are women. It goes without saying Romney is NOT a favorite amongst young women, but Obama is not painting a pretty picture for himself either. If the White House is considered a hostile workplace, how are we supposed to feel about the rest of America?Both men up for president have become equally disgusting to me. I felt better off naive to the whole situation. There isn't a lesser evil to vote for this year. It is a little disheartening to feel neither will be an acceptable leader, much less a great one.  “The message to Washington and to candidates from young women is clear – get out of the way – lower taxes and lower federal spending to get this economy moving again.”

Friday, October 5, 2012

Off and on...

Washington Post published an article by Eugene Robinson titled “Obama’s off night gives Romney an opening.”  Robinson discusses the debate that happened October 3, Wednesday night. He argued that although Obama had a rough night, the race for president isn’t over. I could not agree more. It might have evened the playing field though. He believes most voters have already made up their minds, if so was true, Why all the hoopla? He continues that the “win” for Romney will have very little effect on the outcome. But not only was it a good night for Romney, it was a bad one for Obama, closing the gap between opponents I believe. I agree when he states that it took the Republican party out of a dark hole. Romney has made some significant blunders and the debate shed light on a very dismal outlook. I personally prefer a spit fire personality such as Romney versus a pensive one such as Obama. But everyone, including Robinson, has come down hard on Obama’s demeanor that night. Robinson also took the moment to point out all the issues Obama missed. This really solidified his liberal agenda to me. Accusing Obama of missing the dire questions that Romney previously hasn’t answered, which democrats feel like he can’t.

One thing that wasn’t discussed in the article which Governor Romney brought up in the debate was the redirection of government back to the state level as opposed to the federal level. I feel it was a really important topic and probably omitted because it was a strong point and his articles tend to be left-leaning. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Southerners as narrow-minded as ever?

 I found an article on CNN titled "Feds accuse North Carolina sheriff's office of racial profiling". *insert eye roll* I had a bias interest in the article simply because my boyfriend is from Charlotte. I visited for the first time ever over labor day, and boy, it was a narrow-minded culture shock. Hence the eye roll. We live in a very free-going city. I am from the suburbs of Houston where things are definitely more conservative, but nothing like I found in North Carolina. Life still feels very segregated there. There was a white neighborhood, a black one, and a hispanic one. No one really crossed paths with one another. It was very strange to me. Going out to the bars was even divided.

The article claims that the sheriff's office of Alamance County were racial profiling for illegals. The Fed's had stepped in to ignite an investigation. Hispanics were much more likely than the rest of the population to be pulled over and arrested. Complications arose because of an agreement between the Fed's and the sheriffs office, giving the sheriff's office more power to find and deport illegals.

I just found it very interesting how this can STILL be going on. I found it an interesting read and maybe someone else will too.